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Product details
File Size: 4378 KB
Print Length: 490 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1634607899
Publisher: West Academic Publishing; 3 edition (June 7, 2017)
Publication Date: June 7, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#259,884 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This is the only “about law school†book I will whole heartedly recommend.McClurg is the first author I read that seems to understand that the majority of law students will not be going to a top 15 school. There are over 200 ABA accredited law schools in the US and it seems that most books about law school are geared towards the top 10% of schools and forget that the other 90% of people need more practical advice other than how to apply for Yale - Georgetown.McClurg gives a good glimpse into what law school will be like for the majority of students.From addressing the topicals fears incoming students have to tips on how to succeed (spoiler alert: there are no short cuts in law school!) and the real life impact law school has on your life. McClurg even includes a chapter on non-traditional students because he understands that a number of law students are not “high-school to undergrad to law†people. We have had families and jobs/careers and maybe will be working while in school.Where as other books will suggest you move in with your parents and have them help you pay for school this book understands that most of its readers will not have that option.This book is a MUST HAVE for anyone thinking about going to law school or anyone preparing to start their L1 journey.Let McClurg be your guide to note taking, outlining, exams, case-briefing, and the Socratic method. He will do so with humor and understanding.
First I should point out that the negative review (the only negative review I saw in comparison to the astounding number of wonderful reviews, I might add) should be disregarded because unless a person is a freak of nature and a Sheldon Cooper-type genius, he or she will undoubtedly have questions and fears the first year of law school. Many brilliant people enter law school and they did not get there by being idiots, so if they had questions and fears, you will have them as well. It is absolutely normal. Moreover, law school is about being prepared for any and every situation, so it is never too early to start preparing. I should also point out how very important it is to pick up this book if you are about to begin your first year of law school. Having a reliable and easy-to-understand guide before law school is not a suggestion, it is a necessity. Those who have read this little jewel will know what to expect and will be prepared to take on the indescribable experience of being a 1L. If you are entering your first semester as a 1L, you will need some idea of what to expect in relation to the Socratic method, legal writing and all those things you will experience in your first year. If you go into law school without a clue how to write a law school essay exam, a legal memo, etc., or if you have never heard of IRAC, you will have serious struggles. Do yourself an enormous favor: purchase this book and read it from front to back cover and take some notes because I can promise you will need this information, and contrary to expectations, there will be little time spent on teaching you any of this once classes begin.As a law student I have read several law school guides and have yet to find one that compares to 1L of a Ride. In fact I have found that many of them, even those written by other professors and lawyers, are incomplete as they fail to describe exactly what a 1L will need to know about writing in law school in a way that can be understood by someone who has never briefed a case or taken a law school exam. On a side note, if you made As in undergrad writing courses, you are most likely NOT going to have the same experience in law school relying on those same writing skills and styles; you WILL need to prepare yourself for a complete writing skill makeover and you will need to start learning immediately because writing in law school is absolutely nothing like writing in any other field or profession, and to try and use those same writing methods and skills in law school is a death sentence. But there is much hope even for those who have already begun law school. It seems there is one Professor on the planet who has not forgotten his 1L experience and who has accomplished the difficult task of communicating what 1Ls should know in a way that can be understood rather easily. Moreover, Professor McClurg is witty, sarcastic and genuine and he has a unique, hilarious way of communicating the concepts you need to know. This book will keep you laughing from the first to the last page and I can assure that you will have many page corners bent and many marks, notes and highlights throughout your copy of 1L of a Ride before you are finished reading.I recommend this book to anyone and everyone, law student or not. This book is a great source for anyone who has thought about law school, anyone who is in law school and ESPECIALLY for those who are about to begin the first year of law school, and it most certainly will help tutors and professors who are teaching 1Ls as it seems that the experience of the first year of law school is often forgotten (or perhaps becomes a repressed memory for some, depending on the insanity level of the experience) by many seasoned law students and professors. I would also recommend this book to family members of law students who would like to have an idea of what their loved ones are experiencing as law students.Bottom line: this is one of if not THE very best, most comprehensive and informative sources available to anyone interested in law. Professor McClurg listens to his students and appreciates their experiences, and his book continues to serve those who read and follow his guidance.
Professor McClurg reveals what it's like to attend and succeed law school before you get there. This book opens your eyes to the good and bad sides of law school. From how to handle the extraordinary amounts of stress, to how to mesh life as a 1L with your normal life--1L of a Ride gives you a great 'what to expect' guide for all of this and more. Backed by empirical evidence as well as student testimonials, you see the real, objective side of what it's like during the first year of law school. I myself am a soon-to-be 1L at the University of Memphis (where McClurg is a prof.) and I found it extremely beneficial to me that the book is backed up by testimonials from many UM students. After reading this book, I feel confident that I know what to expect and ultimately succeed in law school. I recommend this book for any student going to law school. You will see the good, bad & ugly of what to expect, but ultimately you will feel more prepared for the rigors that await you.
This is a really great 1st year guide. I love the tips and tricks. There is a LOT of "well, duh." moments... I.e. get to know your professors, do your homework, be prepared for class, etc... I would say the first 5-6 chapters could have been summed up in 2 chapters... However, the chapters that begin teaching you how to brief and what to look for are incredible. The rest of the book is also very helpful. Since it didn't take super long to read the first 5-6 chapters, I'd still give this a 5 star, even though you could easily skim this info.
I have less than a month to prepare for the unknown unknowns of law school, so I grabbed both an ecopy and paperback version of 1L of a Ride. This book has gone a long way towards dispelling me of the myths I didn't even know I believed, and preparing me for the rigors of student life again after a break of several years. The writing style is accessible, informative, and humorous without being distracting. I highly recommend this to anyone starting law school, whether in a month or in a year.
A must read before starting law school. As I enter 3L year, I still find myself going back to this book for advice and guidance. Tab the book as you read and even type notes from it. I promise it will help you navigate your first year and even after that.
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