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Product details
File Size: 19114 KB
Print Length: 256 pages
Publisher: Reality Marketing; 16 th English Edition edition (November 8, 2014)
Publication Date: November 8, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#80,729 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I'm not normally one to write book reviews, but I feel this is an important book so I've got a few words to say about it. Firstly, Cathy O'Brien was so lucky to have Mark Phillips come into her life. Very few men would be willing to sacrifice their career, their home, their family, and all their worldly possessions to rescue and deprogram a CIA slave and her daughter. God's got a special place in heaven for that man. Secondly, I highly recommend acquiring some background information related to the subject matter of this book to prepare yourself before diving in. A few suitable topics of research could be Project Paperclip, the child sex trafficking ring run through Boys Town in Nebraska, or the activities at Bohemian Grove. If you don't feel like having to do a lot of preliminary reading there are documentaries on these subjects posted on You Tube, as well as Wikipedia articles. Otherwise, the information you will learn from this book will be so shockingly horrible to you that you won't be able to believe it. I have a BA in Criminal Justice and a BA in Psychology and have studied plenty of disturbing things, but this book is the most disturbing thing I've ever read. What's most disturbing is this activity goes all the way up to our highest levels of government. The people who are supposed to protect us are actually the ones who are victimizing us. Get ready to unplug from the matrix, America.
The Deep State appears to be a brotherhood of individuals, crossing party lines, who seek to instill a One World Order and who seek to implement mind control psychology over their minions, ie, the rest of us. Cathy O’Brien chronicles her sickening life story as a mind controlled victim and names names of, as she calls them, perpe-TRAITORS. Some very familiar names are mentioned, the leader among them being George H. Bush. Even President Reagan is not exempt from the perversions encouraged in this mind controlled One World Order — and he freely and consciously partakes of these perversions. Another interesting fact to emerge is that NAFTA was born out of the CIA’s (Bush’s) desire to control the drug and sex trade traffic flowing across the Mexican border; this during the Reagan administration and at the same time President Reagan’s wife, Nancy Reagan, appealed as First Lady to “Just Say No†to drugs, as drugs were literally pouring into the country through CIA operations, many of which are chronicled in this book. My stomach turned throughout reading this book and I wonder if there are ANY men and women in power whom one can trust? This book is an awful, but necessary, revelation. I thank the authors and their bravery for writing it. It needs to be read by everyone who wants a country for their children and their children’s children. America is certainly not ready to be great again, although I applaud the current president for trying. He at least is steering the ship AWAY from a One World Order.
If you have been sheltered all of your life or curl up every night to read fiction romance or sci-fi after watching the main stream media news, then this book will be hardcore reading. Cathy has been through a lot and I’m not talking about petty things like losing a job. I wonder how she is still alive. The CIA’s MK Ultra program, project Monarch that her and her daughter survived may be beyond the realm of your imagination but is not beyond the realm of activities from the government officials or anyone with a great deal of wealth. How well do you know any of the elected officials? You only know what they want you to know. From all the names she called out in this book not one has come forward to defend their “good†name. Could it be because it would call further attention to them? After all, this would have to be taken to court as slander. Or could it be that it’s true? After all Bill Clinton did not have relations with that woman.!!! I admire Cathy for her openness and graphic accounts so that we can know what lies deep in the hearts of some of the people that ran/run this country and churches and their agendas. I’m writing this in Dec of 2015 and know that what she says is possible. Just look at our country now! There is no empathy, loyalty or constitution left “For the Peopleâ€. It’s a good thing that Mark was around and cared enough to go through hell for those two. I’m just sorry for her, her daughter and the others who have a horrible story like that to tell. Nobody should ever have to go through that, children especially. It’s all so heinous. I would and have recommended this book to people I know that will appreciate Mark and Cathy’s story and learn from it.
FIVE STARS... not because I loved it... but because it helped me to connect some dots. This is a book that's best read in small doses. A complimentary book that needs to be read along side this book would be the 'Franklin Cover Up' by John W. DeCamp. My thanks to Cathy and Mark for having the courage to get this out to the public... and helping people connect some dots.The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
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